Greetings! If you have arrived at this web site, then you are obviously curious enough to take the time to look me up, see what I’m doing, and wish me well. We track our visitors to make sure we’re doing a good job at getting the truth out there! The media (social media included), fanatics, and zealots have set out to create a narrative of fiction and crime. I wish it were all true because then I would have been accused of something I actually did! Robert Ludlum may be one of the only contenders to write such lavishness. I can admit to my own faults, but having been through what I’ve been through to defend myself, I can attest that the battle is never ending.

Arrested James Marc Beverly

Free to Roam

After spending years as a professional medical provider and working to establish best practices in wilderness medicine and search and rescue, I was told to move on…to “take one for the team.” Ultimately, I was put on a stake to burn as Arthur Miller poiniantly described. But it’s more like a Phoenix from the fire, and not what some thought or expected. And what about those who throw stones? They don’t have to be held accountable for false accusations, lies, and outright slander and sedicious libel.

James Marc Beverly ARRESTED in the Sandia Mountains

Understanding the concept of tenacity is perhaps one of the most important things we can do as an individual. Being a leader is not easy, and many times being a leader is simply following your own course, for better or for worse. One doesn’t have to be a leader to have tenacity. Be who you are and face each day when you wake up. It doesn’t matter who you’ve had a relationship with, who screwed you out of your future or your job, or even if you had a winning hand in a poker game and they said someone else won. It doesn’t matter. Keep crushing as best you can!

James Marc Beverly arrested by the glory

So, what am I up to? I’m doing what I inspired others to do in my PhD graduation speech: “get up every day and keep crushing it.” It’s easy to sit back and not apply one’s self, get lazy, and get old doing it. Besides, I have nothing but time and am good at chasing down dreams and goals with my wife, the other doctor…Erin Beverly, DNP, who is stepping into her own realm beyond what her previous life’s talons could hold her with. Her tenacity is a testament to overcoming as much, or more, than my own. 

I get to choose how to spend time in life and I enjoy every day, regardless of whatever hardships are present. Royal Robbins said that “nothing is as precious as your freedon,” and I believe that. Not wasting a day, I am building on my successes, learning from my mistakes, and bridging into a better day tomorrow. I’ve spent a lot of time in a past life investing in those who would steal, blame, or otherwise become a focus of destruction, and I have done so on my own terms, always giving the benefit of the doubt up front and trusting that people are genuinely “good.” I don’t miss hearing from people who only want something from me.

To be clear, I can vote, I have freedom of speech, and I have the right to bear arms, among all the other Constitutional Rights, with everyone like myself who has no criminal record. I have no restrictions whatsoever, I have the freedom to follow my dreams. So, I appreciate and apply these concepts to continue to engage my life experiences. I have all that I need to fill my days with many facets of enjoyment. I love my life, my family, and the real friends that I have who have all stood by me through thick and thin. I hope that everyone gets to say that, but unfortunately I know it’s not a reality.

Skiing in the Tatoosh ~ Mt. Rainier National Park

I’m happy to work hard when it’s time, and play even harder! There’s so much to do in life, so I’ll do what I can. I can’t control the lies published about me by the media, the police department, an attorney, or anyone else or entity for that matter. Nobody wants a black eye in the media and officials need a scapegoat or pound of flesh as well as a story to use as a doormat and a vindicator when their agendas aren’t being met. I’m not a good target to try to hit. 

So here’s the real story. I’m still here and I’m still me. Have a nice day.

Get on with it!


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Here’s a real publication with some actual facts! Get your copy at Beacon Guide Books!

Arrested James Marc Beverly